Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Afternoons Alone.

Sundays are my only day off to really have a relaxing day all to myself. It's the only day where I don't have to go to class, I don't have to work and I basically have no cares in the world. I usually try to make plans on Sunday afternoons so it gives me something to do. The only structure to my Sundays are church in the morning and family dinner in the evening. So, what am I supposed to do for the rest of the day? On this particular Sunday, my parents are out doing a few errands and seeing some family, and I stuck in the house with nothing to do until supper time. So, I compiled a list of things I can do when I am alone on a Sunday afternoon. (You can also try it, too!)
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1 // Splurge on a coffee. I am a coffee addict, as you probably know by now. When I am having a day filled with nothing that special, I will treat myself with something I don't normally have. I usually go with Starbuck's Frappuccino. I am a creature of habit and I always get the Vanilla Bean one. I always get a "tall" sized, because it's just the right size for a little treat. So, try a blended drink, or if you are feeling adventurous try out an espresso, or a flavor that you don't normally like, or know you like!
2 // Paint your nails. I always feel so nice, pretty and polished when my nails are in tip-top condition. I have been pampering myself lately and buying Essie polishes which come in such gorgeous colors - it's a really hard time trying to pick which one I want to use. If you aren't a "do-it-yourself" kind of girl, or you want to treat yourself a little more, go get them done at a salon.
3 // Read. Pick up that book that has been sitting on yoru bedside table that you alway say that you will get to. Maybe when you are out getting your coffee, stop by the pharmacy and pick up a magazine or two to keep you entertained on what's new in Hollywood.

4 // Listen to music. I have been on an iHeart and Pandora kick lately. I have been listening to music like a maniac and I have found myself buying some of the songs I hear on the radio and putting them on my iPod. It's bringing me to different artist and songs that I would never listen to, and it keeps things fun. The fun with internet radios is that everything is shuffled and you don't know what's next! If you want to make your Sunday relaxation day a ritual, make a special "Sunday" playlist on your iPod and play that!

5 // Clean & Organize. I am one of those people who clammers through their drawers like an idiot and cleans everything down spotless. Granted I have to be in that kind of mood. But, if it's been bugging you the dust on your TV, the fingerprints on your mirror or the lipstick stained into your carpet; clean it! Get it over with once and for all. Then you can rejoice in a job well done.

What are some things that you do on a lazy Sunday?

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